My flare for writing has always existed. My father and I would always tell stories to one another when he was driving me to and from swim practice. One of us would start the story, then would say "You take it from there" and the other would pick up where it was left off. It was such a fun time that I was partly sad when I finally got my driver's license and started driving myself. Though my passion for writing didn't truly bloom until I took a creative writing course in College. During the time, I thought I wanted to be a dentist and was only taking the course to fulfill my humanities requirements. I feel deep and hard in love with telling my own stories. So much so that I changed my major to writing. From there, I went on to graduate with honors by being the first person in my school's history to do so by researching/writing a collection of short stories. 


Although I graduated college with a major in writing, I did end up attaining a masters in business administration and a masters in accounting. From there, I received my CPA and pursued a career in accounting. My main motivation for doing so was actually how strongly I felt about being an author. I love writing and did not want to become burned out with it. I wanted to write for the joy and fun that it adds to my life and the lives of my readers, not because I had to in order to eat. While it is not my main occupation, I have still kept writing as a major part of my life. Including Channeling, I have published four books so far and am currently working on my fifth! When people ask what I do, I say "I'm an accountant by day and a writer by night". I could truly not imagine my life any other way. 


As far as a writing process, I can't say that I have a truly defined one. The approach changes depending on the work and can sometimes change within the work. There have been times where I have mapped out a story from start to finish before I write the first paragraph. Other times, I hop in with a vague idea and go from there. However, the one constant is that I don't allow myself to be restricted by an initial idea or direction. The story needs to, in part, write itself. Oftentimes, it ends up being far different than what I initially envisioned.